GREAT project posters presentations at IEEE Games, Entertainment & Media Conference

Jane Yau was at the IEEE Games, Entertainment and Media Conference last week in Torino, Italy (5-7 June), and shared GREAT project findings.

Co-designing Pilot Games with Citizens and Policy Stakeholders to Increase Climate Action

This paper presents an initial report on the codesign processes between researchers and policy stakeholders in the GREAT (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation) project applied in the context of the climate emergency.


Exploring the Concept of Mini Data Sprints as a Methodology to Assess Data Validity and Stimulate Climate Conversation

The authors present two studies that have deployed mini data sprints (MDS). The MDS approach uses interactive data applications and visualisations to provoke citizens’ feelings, knowledge, and perspectives towards the climate conversation and presented data. These studies highlight how the MDS approach can provide data set recommendations, facilitate efficient and focused climate conversation, and improve the data literacy of the cohort.


Empowering Marketing Management and Gaming Consumer Interaction through AI and Citizen Science

AI integration in management and customer relations is revolutionizing various fields, including video games. Techniques like machine learning, neural networks, and NLP enhance personalized marketing, real-time communication, and customer understanding. Predictive analytics and dynamic pricing improve accuracy and responsiveness, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction.

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At the conference, we also met our sister project MEMENTOES. It was a fruitful conference, where lots could be shared and exchanged regarding our GREAT methodology of using games to reach citizens and to facilitate a communication channel between citizens and policy-makers. The data sprints were also effective in our trials as a method for engaging citizens to express and exchange their climate attitudes and overall increase data and scientific literacy.


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